"Love is a daring plunge into the experience of union." — Deepak
Hello Love!
Exactly Six years ago, I wrote this blog:
“ I want to tell you about the “Hello love” experiment. These days, when I
greet my daughter or my husband, I often say, “Hello love.” Sometimes I
greet my dear friends this way too. It feels natural and wonderful to say.
Then while sitting in Starbucks the other morning – my office away from
home – it occurred to me that I could do an experiment. I began to wonder
how I could expand the love circle. Naming something is a powerful thing.
If I call you LOVE and mean it, it resonates for both of us.
Now, don’t worry… I’m not going to suggest that you greet everyone you
meet with“Hello love.” I’m only going to suggest that you THINK it. It’s
actually pretty remarkable.
I started doing this as I watched people come and go through the Starbucks
door and then, too, when I headed home. I silently greeted my fellow walkers with “Hello love.”And I couldn’t stop smiling.
There is something so delicious about this.
It takes the critical mind or the fear based mind or the separative mind right out of commission. And instead, I found myself immediately seeing what was MOST LIGHT in each of the people I greeted, what was most REALIZED
LOVE. And I felt full of appreciation.
Also, I felt like I had some fabulous secret… like I could be a Johnny Appleseed of Love on a quiet morning walk.
Of course, one can’t help but see the grumpy, broken, blocked parts too. But with the“Hello love” experiment, they are secondary. At least for a split second, they are secondary.
And if we add together all our split seconds of love, we begin to change our world.
Try it. See what you think. Report back! Practice. Try it today.
Today, six years later, I am still practicing! And I welcome you to practice with me. This new site is an opportunity for us all to stay in touch about the practice and to add our voices to the Hello Love tapestry. The seed that was planted 6 years ago now has a chance to come into fuller fruition. We’re ready. Let’s use the potency and practice of the human heart to see and greet the love that we all inherently are.